Life Coach

Personal Coaching

Virtually endless. When asked to list the areas of life that I coach, my  answer is that it is “virtually endless.” I have coached everything from weight loss, to planning a daughter's graduation celebration, to reducing household clutter, to starting a charitable business that helps young people who are at risk of suicide.

A personal coach is a coach who works with an individual on their personal development and helps that person create a path to greater personal fulfillment. 

Clients who call me for personal coaching want to do better, perform better, be better. They want to have a more positive impact on the world.

As a coach, I help clients make choices that are more aligned with their values when they're feeling unfocused. When they sense that they may have taken a wrong turn somewhere along the way, and want to get back on track.

Together, we will identify what you want to hope for, strive for and ultimately create. I will ask you penetrating and provocative questions, personal questions so that you can express new ideas.

Open Path Life Coach Gary Alt

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Career Coaching

As a life coach helping you with career goals, I help you conceive, plan and build the career and life you want to have. 

When we work together, I help you figure out the best work for you in the context of your life. We determine what it is you want to pursue, roll up our sleeves, and plan the pursuit.

I help you see what’s possible. Clients typically seek career coaching when they are in one of two situations:

You know exactly what you want to do and are having a tough time getting there.
You don’t know where you want to be (yet), but you know you can no longer stay where you are!
Open Path Life Coach Gary Alt

I help you conceive, plan, and build the career and life you want to have.

Your Career In the Context of Your Life

I help you recognize that, while your career is a key area of your life, it is just one of many. It must work in harmony with the other areas, complement them, not dominate them.
For instance, a key area that relates very closely to career is finance.
Family is another. If you have a family to support, or even family that isn't financially dependent upon you, but you want to spend quality time with them, we will make sure your career goals are on that same path.
It's a lot about what makes you tick as a person. What hobbies are important to you? Music? Fishing? Collectibles? Writing? Bowling? Hiking? Let's make sure you stay the person you are while pursuing your career goals.
Better yet, let's make sure you EXCEL at the person you are.

Will You Redo My Resume, LinkedIn Page And Other Social Media?

I do not create or polish resumes. Although I do know a lot about the topic. If you want to talk about redoing your resume, we can do that. That will help you focus on the important aspects of a resume, and how to percolate yours to the top of the heap. However, I do not stay current on “buzzwords” and other cultural peculiarities. 

Same thing with creating and updating social media pages. Like a medical specialist who needs to avoid spending too much time keeping current on areas outside his practice at the expense of his practice, I choose to not focus on technical issues. But again, we can talk about those things. By doing that, you will find fresh ideas for mounting a successful social media campaign.

Which one of these career change seekers are you?

You are a recent college graduate.

Perhaps wondering if your new career is where you want to be for the rest of your life.

You are facing big life changes.

You just got married. Or have a child and another on the way. Is your current career still working? Or is a change on the horizon?

You were blindsided.

Maybe you're a decade, or several decades into your current career, and you suddenly find yourself without a job. Is it time to reconsider what you've been doing up until now? Time to change careers? To start your own business? Or time to leave a failed business behind and forge ahead into something new?

You're thinking about retirement.

Retirement is around the corner and you want to make a plan. Maybe you're not on the same page with your partner. Maybe you're not sure if you've saved enough for retirement, and the golf course is beckoning. Or maybe you've got plenty of money but just aren't yet ready to give up a meaningful career. Maybe you'd like to trade in your suit and tie and do some volunteer work that's important to you.

You're feeling stuck.

Twenty-five years into your current career, with another twenty to go, and you're feeling stuck. Unfulfilled. Under-appreciated. Ten years of putting your kids through college have created a financial burden – or you're done with that phase of your life and want something else.

You're tired of working for someone else.

It's time to put your years of expertise into a business of your own. To do things the way you've always envisioned they should be done. To offer that service that you always knew has been missing from the business world. To manufacture that product that's going to change the world.

If your career situation fits any of those models, if your day-to-day work has run roughshod over your dreams, or you are just ready for a change for any reason, a life coach can help you redesign yourself and your career.

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Transition Coaching

As a life coach helping you with any life transition, I help you create a vision of the future that you want, then provide support as you pursue it.

Pick a transition, any transition:

  • You are newly married, or getting married soon
  • You are starting a family, or expanding your family
  • You are newly single, or soon to be
  • You are a new empty-nester, single or still married
  • You are a new grandparent, with more on the way
  • You have finally retired
  • You have recently lost a loved one in death
  • You are taking care of a sick loved one
  • You have started that new career, but are so consumed with it that you have no time for other important people and things
  • You bought that baby-grand piano on a whim, but now realize you want more than a piece of furniture – it's time to DO something with it
  • You are feeling the new-found freedom of being out of a high-control group and want to spread your wings
  • You've just discovered you have great talent for something, and the time to pursue it – cooking, writing, athletics...
Open Path Life Coach Gary Alt

The list goes on and on. Really, ANYTHING that is a transition for you can be exciting yet daunting, challenging yet exhausting, clear yet uncertain, joyful yet scary. Wouldn't it be fun to be able to embrace that change and enjoy the process, as well as the results?

Together, we discuss, we plot, we test out ideas, by moving forward on multiple paths to decide what works and what doesn’t.

I partner with you and coach you through what is often an iterative process.

If you've ever found yourself thinking, “it's so crazy it just might work,” you need me to validate your vision, and help you see the reality of your dreams.

Why Hire A Coach for Personal Development, Career Change, or Life Transition?

Clients interested in these areas typically hire me as their coach for one of two reasons:


They aren’t happy where they are and want to make a change or


They know where they want to be but haven’t been able to get there on their own. As I often say...

If you could have reached your goals without any help, you would have done so.

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Coaching offers a way forward, so you can start transforming your life and turn your dreams into reality.