page header image


Fancy Image

The Fancy Image element allows you to add a fancy graphic (with image) to some text.

See below the examples of how you can use the Fancy Image element in the theme.

Fancy Image

with filled background

Icons for this element can be downloaded here: Management pack, Communication and Media pack, and other appropriate packs...

Icons made by Freepik from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY

Fancy Image

  • an image (icon) on the filled background
  • colored beam at the left side of the image

Fancy Image

an image (icon) on the filled background + colored beam at the right side of the image

Fancy Image

simple full image

Coaching isn't just for athletes and celebrities anymore! Coaching is right for you if you actively want to improve your life, and know that having support, accountability and some additional wisdom on that journey is the extra boost your need to really push past whatever might be holding you back.

Fancy Image

  • simple full image
  • colored beam at the left side of the image

Fancy Image

simple full image + colored beam at the right side of the image

Coaching offers a way forward, so you can start transforming your life and turn your dreams into reality.